Plant Life Cycle 101: A Gardener's Guide to Growth & Care

Plant Life Cycle 101: A Gardener's Guide to Growth & Care

Flashback to high school biology class... don't worry, this won't be a snooze fest! Instead, we're taking a fascinating journey through the plant life cycle. Discover the secrets behind each stage, from the humble seed to the glorious bloom, and unlock the knowledge to nurture your green companions like a pro.
July 17, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Rootbound Rescue: How to Save Your Plants from a Tangled Mess

Rootbound Rescue: How to Save Your Plants from a Tangled Mess

Is your beloved houseplant looking a little down in the dumps? Have you noticed yellowing leaves, stunted growth, or roots snaking out of the drainage holes? Don't give up on your green companion just yet! These seemingly dire signs might simply mean your plant is rootbound, a common issue that can be easily remedied with a little know-how and care.
July 05, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Seedling SOS: Why Your Baby Plants Are Dying and How to Save Them

Seedling SOS: Why Your Baby Plants Are Dying and How to Save Them

Picture this: You're a plant parent, eagerly anticipating the arrival of your tiny green offspring. But then, tragedy strikes. Your once-vibrant seedlings begin to droop, wither, or simply disappear, leaving you with a sense of loss and a lingering question: "What went wrong?" Seedling death is a common heartbreak for gardeners of all levels... But fear not! There are many reasons why seedlings may start to die, and most of them are preventable or solvable with a little knowledge and prompt action.
July 01, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Friends or Foes? Garden Companions to Avoid

Friends or Foes? Garden Companions to Avoid

Gardening is often described as a peaceful pastime, a dance with nature where harmony reigns. But beneath the surface of this tranquil image lies a hidden world of plant rivalries, secret alliances, and even outright warfare. Yes, your garden is a battleground, and the stakes are high: a bountiful harvest or a season of disappointment. The truth is, not all plants play well together. Some combinations, seemingly innocent at first glance, can lead to a domino effect of pest infestations, rampant diseases, and stunted growth. It's a botanical soap opera you don't want to star in and we here to help you in that endeavor.

June 18, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Seed Starting Fails: The Top 10 Mistakes

Seed Starting Fails: The Top 10 Mistakes

Have you ever been excited to start your seeds, only to find that weeks later, nothing has sprouted? You're not alone! At Southern Seeds, we've helped countless gardeners troubleshoot their seed-starting woes. From stratification to overwatering, there are many common mistakes that can sabotage your success. But don't worry, we're here to help! This comprehensive guide reveals the top 10 blunders even experienced gardeners make (and how to avoid them). We'll walk you through each mistake, offering expert advice and practical solutions to ensure your seedlings thrive. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, this guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to achieve a bountiful harvest and a garden that flourishes.

June 17, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Beefsteak Tomato Guide: From Seed to Harvest

Beefsteak Tomato Guide: From Seed to Harvest

Discover the art of growing Beefsteak tomatoes in our comprehensive guide. From the classic Beefsteak to heirloom Brandywine and robust Big Beef, learn how to cultivate these garden giants for a bountiful harvest. Dive into care tips, from seed to harvest, and explore popular varieties that promise flavor and size. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a beginner, join us in embracing the joy of homegrown tomatoes and enrich your summer with the taste of success.
April 03, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Navigating Tomato Varieties: Determinate vs. Indeterminate

Navigating Tomato Varieties: Determinate vs. Indeterminate

Dive into the vibrant world of tomatoes with our comprehensive guide on determinate vs. indeterminate varieties. From the lush vines of Beefsteak and Sun Gold to the compact bounty of Roma and Amish Paste, discover the top picks for every garden. Whether you're dreaming of fresh salads or homemade sauces, our blog unveils the secrets to choosing, growing, and enjoying the perfect tomatoes for your space. Join us at Southern Seeds and let's cultivate a season of unparalleled flavor and abundance together.
March 28, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Top 10 Most Popular Seeds for Spring 2024: Gardeners' Favorites Revealed

Top 10 Most Popular Seeds for Spring 2024: Gardeners' Favorites Revealed

Dive into Spring 2024 with Southern Seeds' Top 10 Must-Have Seeds, from the vibrant Pompon Dahlias to the deliciously sweet Peaches & Cream Corn. Discover these handpicked favorites designed to inspire and transform your garden into a flourishing oasis. Explore more amazing selections and embrace the joy of gardening with us.
March 04, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Mastering the Art of Hardening Off Seedlings

Mastering the Art of Hardening Off Seedlings

Diving into the world of gardening, one crucial step stands between the nurturing warmth of indoors and the vibrant life of an outdoor garden: hardening off seedlings. This practice is not just a routine but a gardener's safeguard, ensuring that plants like tomatoes, peppers, and even the more demanding 'project seeds' transition smoothly to their new environment. Join us as we explore the hows and whys of hardening off, a process that promises to strengthen your garden's future bounty and beauty.
February 29, 2024 — Ryan Dorn
Why Now is the Perfect Time to Buy Your Garden Seeds

Why Now is the Perfect Time to Buy Your Garden Seeds

Discover why winter is the best time for buying garden seeds. From cold stratification to beating the spring rush, learn strategic reasons to start your seed shopping now. Get a jumpstart on your lush spring garden!
December 13, 2023 — Ryan Dorn
Understanding the Updated 2023 USDA Hardiness Zone Map

Understanding the Updated 2023 USDA Hardiness Zone Map

Explore the latest 2023 USDA Hardiness Zone Map changes. Key shifts in the Northeast and Midwest signal a warming trend, impacting gardeners and farmers. Learn how these updates affect your planting strategy in our comprehensive blog. #Gardening #ClimateChange #USDAZones
November 27, 2023 — Ryan Dorn
Green Thumb Beginnings: Top 10 Vegetables for First-Time Gardeners

Green Thumb Beginnings: Top 10 Vegetables for First-Time Gardeners

Kickstart your gardening journey with our top 10 easy-to-grow veggies for beginners! From leafy greens to crunchy roots, learn the basics and build skills for lifelong gardening success. Explore our beginner-friendly guide, enriched with expert tips on USDA zones and seed starting. 🌱 #GardenBeginners #EasyVeggies
November 20, 2023 — Ryan Dorn