Rupturewort - Green Carpet (Herniaria Glabra) - 100 Seeds

$1.95 $3.90

This lowing growing ground cover only reaches about 3 inches in height and forms a matforming green carpet for carpet-bedding, a lawn alternative, low growing container gardening, etc. Herniaria glabra, also known as Rupturewort or Green Carpet, is a soft to walk on, evergreen grass substitute for many people or the perfect ground cover. It can take quite a bit of foot traffic as it is almost as wear tolerant as grass. Its small, vibrant green glabrous foliage will get inconspicuous lime-green to white flowers on it, but they are barely visible and do not attract bees. Many people report never seeing Herniaria Glabra flower at all which makes it nice as there is no flower clean up.

•American Grown Seeds
•USDA Zones: 6-10

Growing Instructions:
Sow Outside: Cover seed. Start of spring - before the last frost, or towards the end of autumn. Spacing will depend on desired coverage: For tight spacing and denser coverage, have 1 plant every 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm); For larger spacing, have 1 plant every 12 to 18 inches (30 to 45 cm).
Sow Inside: Germination time: one to two weeks. Temperature: 70°F (21°C). Seven or eight weeks before the expected last frost. Transplant outdoors following the last frost.

•FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $35 or more.
•Flat Rate shipping no matter how many seeds you order.
•Growing instructions included on each seed packet.

*All information is provided for educational purposes only.