Columbine, Colorado Blue (Aquilegia vulgaris) - 100 Seeds
Colorado Blue columbine, the State Flower of Colorado, is a spectacular all-American favorite that promises an authentic slice of the Rocky Mountains all season long. Colorado Blue is native to the temperate and shaded woodlands of Colorado and will thrive in many similar gardens. Colorado Blue seeds mature into 12 – 24” tall wildflowers bursting with "spurred" columbine blooms and promises to steal the show in any fresh cut basket, bouquet, or centerpiece. Colorado Blue columbine is versatile enough to keep indoors, on the porch, or as a classic American grow among untamed wildflower mixes.
•US Native Wildflower
•American grown seeds
•Height: 30"
•Zone 3-8
Growing Instructions:
Colorado Blue Columbine seeds have a wildflower-like hardiness and are most commonly broadcasted directly in the fall or just after the frost. Columbine seeds thrive from an over-winter frost, but will still bloom just as hardily if started indoors 4 – 6 weeks prior to the final frost of the spring. Seeds will germinate in 14 – 21 days in full lighting and plants may reseed in the garden in optimal growing conditions. Plant 3 – 4 Colorado Blue columbine seeds ¼” deep and 18" apart in organically rich, evenly moist, and well-drained soil in partial sun to partial shade. Seeds may also be broadcasted for a wildflower appearance. Colorado Blue columbine seeds thrive in cool shady gardens and will decline in early summer if exposed to long hours of direct heat. Do not let soil dry out, but do not over-saturate either. Columbine has no serious pests or insects. Colorado Blue columbine seeds are perennials that mature in their 2nd year as 12 – 24" tall bushy wildflowers with a 12 – 24” spread of unique 3" purple columbine heads.
•FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $35 or more.
•Flat Rate shipping no matter how many seeds you order.
•Growing instructions included on each seed packet.
*All information is provided for educational purposes only.
•US Native Wildflower
•American grown seeds
•Height: 30"
•Zone 3-8
Growing Instructions:
Colorado Blue Columbine seeds have a wildflower-like hardiness and are most commonly broadcasted directly in the fall or just after the frost. Columbine seeds thrive from an over-winter frost, but will still bloom just as hardily if started indoors 4 – 6 weeks prior to the final frost of the spring. Seeds will germinate in 14 – 21 days in full lighting and plants may reseed in the garden in optimal growing conditions. Plant 3 – 4 Colorado Blue columbine seeds ¼” deep and 18" apart in organically rich, evenly moist, and well-drained soil in partial sun to partial shade. Seeds may also be broadcasted for a wildflower appearance. Colorado Blue columbine seeds thrive in cool shady gardens and will decline in early summer if exposed to long hours of direct heat. Do not let soil dry out, but do not over-saturate either. Columbine has no serious pests or insects. Colorado Blue columbine seeds are perennials that mature in their 2nd year as 12 – 24" tall bushy wildflowers with a 12 – 24” spread of unique 3" purple columbine heads.
•FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $35 or more.
•Flat Rate shipping no matter how many seeds you order.
•Growing instructions included on each seed packet.
*All information is provided for educational purposes only.