28 reviews

Thyme, Wild (Thymus pulegiodes) - 100 Seeds

$1.95 $3.90

Thymus pulegiodes is a medium-sized evergreen shrub. It is frost resistant, in leaf all year, blooms in July and August, and the seeds ripen in August and September. Bees, flies, and Lepidoptera pollinate the species, which is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs). It is well-known for its ability to attract wildlife. In addition, Wild Thyme is well known for its amazing medicinal uses.

•American grown seeds
•USDA Zones: 3-9

Growing Instructions:
To establish Thyme from seeds, sow the herb seeds indoors on sterile starting mix 6 - 8 weeks before last frost. Keep the Thyme seeds moist until germination. Once frost season has passed transplant the Thyme seedlings into the garden in a sunny location. Do not over water Thyme. It likes to dry out in-between waterings. Thyme herb plants dislike wet foliage, so surrounding the plant with a layer of gravel can help this. This variety of Thyme is often planted near vegetables to help control flea beetles and several cabbage pests.

Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Moist, well-drained, pH 6.6 - 7.8
Depth: Press seed onto surface of soil, do not cover seed
Sowing Rate: 1 seed per inch
Moisture: Keep moist until germination
Plant Spacing: Rows 18 inches a part; thin seedlings 8 - 12 inches

•FREE SHIPPING on all orders of $35 or more.
•Flat Rate shipping no matter how many seeds you order.
•Growing instructions included on each seed packet.

*All information is provided for educational purposes only.