Zinnia, Polar Bear (Zinnia elegans) - 100 Seeds

$1.95 $3.90
Polar Bear Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) - 100 Seeds

•Bee Friendly
•Butterfly Friendly
•Hummingbird Friendly
•American grown seeds
•Easy to grow
•USDA Zone: 1-12

Don't get us wrong, we love the bright and bold colors of our other Heirloom Zinnias as well, but sometimes your garden or vase designs just need that touch of white! Cool and classic, Polar Bear Zinnias are a bright white, the perfect compliment and contrast to the other bold hues your Zinnia collection may contain. A favorite of crafters, florists and gardeners alike, Zinnias are easy to grow annuals, preferring warm weather and full sun! If you're interesting in helping the bee population and other helpful pollinators, this is a great choice!

Planting Instructions:
Direct sow in spring. This seed germinates best in warm soil. Plant just below the surface and keep the soil lightly moist until germination which usually occurs within 2 weeks. Seedlings do not transplant well, so if starting inside use individual peat pots sowing several seeds in each one.