By Ryan Dorn,

This week marked a significant milestone in our journey, as we relocated our operations to a charming patch of heaven just outside Dallas. From the bustling energy of the city to the peaceful allure of the countryside, this move signifies a transformative phase in our story, one that is filled with anticipation, excitement, and infinite possibilities.

Dallas Texas

(Photo: Dallas at Night)

Why Dallas, You Ask? 

The decision to move to Dallas wasn't made on a whim. It was a calculated choice, guided by a deep understanding of our company's needs and vision. Positioned at the crossroads of America, Dallas offers a central location that will expedite our shipping process across the nation. This means faster delivery times, improved service, and overall customer satisfaction. This is important to us. Living in Florida, transit times to send things across the country really became a critical issue for the growth of Southern Seeds. It is something that we knew that we would have to address if we wanted to continue to grow as a company.

All About the Climate 

When considering the right place to lay down our roots (pun intended!), the climate was a key factor. Dallas, Texas offered us a perfect balance with its temperate conditions compared to Tampa. We wanted to stay in the south where our roots are and to be in a warm climate, so this new climate provides us with a slightly longer growing season, and a bit more flexibility in the types of seeds we can grow and offer to our customers. It’s a dream!

Dallas typically experiences mild winters and hot summers. This wide temperature range throughout the year enables a vast array of plants to thrive. As we transition from the tropical climate of zone 9b to the cooler subtropics of zone 8a, we can diversify our seed offerings. This move to a (slightly) cooler climate allows us to grow plants that need a chill period to bloom or fruit, and it also provides respite for plants that might struggle in the intensity of a 9b climate.

But it's not just about the temperature. Rainfall also plays a significant role in the success of our gardens. Dallas receives a moderate amount of rainfall throughout the year without the torrential rainfall of Florida summers, creating a lush environment for many plants. The precipitation levels vary with the seasons, with spring usually being the wettest. This ensures ample water supply for the seeds during their most active growth phase.

Even the soil in Dallas is a bonus! The region's clayey soil, rich in nutrients, provides an excellent foundation for growing. With a bit of amending to improve its texture and drainage, this soil can support a wide variety of plants. The biggest challenge for us as a company has always been our soil. In Florida, the sandy soil always created issues as it lacks water retention and nutrients get washed away. It seemed as though we spent more time amending our soil than we did any other element of our company. It was a major, MAJOR issue.

All in all, the climatic conditions in the Dallas promise an exciting future for Southern Seeds. We know there will be challenges here as well, but we are looking forward to exploring the growth potential of this new environment and sharing our findings with you. We know that these new challenges will only help us serve you better. We know midwestern growing. We know Florida growing. This will give us a new area that we can truly help y'all when it comes to any question you may have along the way.

Nature and Adventure

Being plant enthusiasts, we’re also stewards of the earth. Our move to Dallas connects us more profoundly with the outdoors, gifting us with an array of regional natural landscapes that feed our love for nature and are completely new to us. While we loved the sunshine and beaches in Florida, the captivating mix of prairies, lakes, and woods around Dallas adds a whole new dimension to our lives. They provide the canvas for morning hikes, afternoon plant explorations, and evenings filled with the harmonious sounds of nature. 

Beyond the joy of daily interactions with nature, our new location positions us perfectly to explore different parts of the country. The allure of being a car ride or short flight from some of the best landscapes in this beautiful country was a strong factor for us. We are beyond excited as a company... and a family to see a part of the country that we really haven't experienced.

Big Bend National Park

(Photo: Big Bend National Park)

For The Love of Food 

On a lighter and tastier note, moving to Dallas means we're stepping into a foodie's paradise. The region is famous for its culinary delights, and we must admit, the gastronomic scene here was a tempting part of our decision. From mouth-watering barbecue and world-class Tex-Mex to gourmet farm-to-table restaurants and international cuisine, Dallas has something to satisfy every palate.

We can't wait to explore the local food scene more and get inspiration for new, delightful herbal recipes to share with you. Who knows, we might stumble upon some unknown herb while we're out and about that will make a great addition to our seed offerings! Food and plants, after all, are intertwined, and here in Dallas, we have the chance to explore this relationship even further.

Family at The Heart of Southern Seeds

At Southern Seeds, we're not just a business; we're a family. And when we say family, we mean it in the most comprehensive sense of the word. It's not only the love and passion for nature and gardening that's been passed down through generations, but also the very hands that pack your seeds and write your newsletters.

Our family extends from us, Ryan and Kim who own Southern Seeds, all the way to our upcoming grandbaby and everyone in-between. We've always held the belief that sharing our knowledge and passion for gardening with the next generation is just as important as the gardening itself. After all, who else is going to keep the tradition alive?

The move to Dallas is a big change, but it's a change that we've all embraced together. We've traded in our former landscapes for new vistas and climates. Our children, who have always been an integral part of Southern Seeds, are excited about their new schools and the opportunities that this move will hold for Southern Seeds.

In fact, it's this very aspect of growth that has us all excited. Whether it's our plants or our children, growth is something we've always cherished and nurtured. And this move, while significant, is just another step in our ongoing journey of growth and exploration.

In the coming months and years, we hope to share more of our family stories with you. After all, we believe that when you buy from Southern Seeds, you're not just getting quality seeds and knowledge, you're also becoming part of a larger, extended family. And that's a family we're proud to be a part of.

Looking Forward to the Future

There's a buzz in the air as we start our new adventure in Dallas. We look forward to not only growing our business but also our personal lives and connections with nature. We believe that this new location will allow Southern Seeds to thrive in ways we could only imagine before.

As we settle in, we're reminded of why we started this journey in the first place: our love for nature, plants, and sharing this passion with our community. We're excited to take this next step with all of you. It's you, our loyal customers and fellow plant lovers, that have made this growth possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support and for being part of our journey. We can't wait to continue providing you with high-quality seeds and plant knowledge from our new home in Dallas. Here's to a bright, green future!

Now, let’s get growing, y’all!

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